so today uncle mark decided to venture into ipswitch and go to queen's park. i wasn't that excited to go i mean we were going to walk through a park. that was until i found out the nature of the park. its is so amazing! this first picture is of a massive goanna which stimulated my interest :P it is like a zoo in there hahahaha there is this entire section for animals and its fanced off and stuff there are birds and reptiles and the path is quite well made as are the enclosures :D we saw some rangers and keepers doing their jobs around so its quite like a zoo hahahaha
anyway after that we went to get some coffee - i just had cake cos i don't drin
k coffee. and i saw the funniest thing :P well i started laughing anyway its cos with the 'hot
dog with the lot' it has the first ingredient as dog hahahahaha so so so funny when you think of i
t as an animal instead of the frankfurt or whatever :P
so anyway we went to the room next door which housed a some worms for compost, it was like an education room and there were kids running around and stuff so we left quite quickly. oh and we saw this group of people playing an egg and spoon race...the eggs dro
pped but didn't break...what gives!!
o this is the japanese section of the park called nimera gardens after somew
here or something i dunno but it is a really well looked after and there are some really nice ornaments and things. there was a cottage which looked quite nice a
nd also there was the softest grass ever omg. it was so fine and it was so squishy as well hahahaha i kept jumping on it. the section of the park was act
ual quite expansive with so many things like a mini waterfall and a square of grass and like circle of stones and some very nice structures which add a whole lot of characte
r to the place :D
it was quite serene walking through the park and it was lovely really :D. after that we decided to go have lunch so we went to a friend of aunty linda and the yum cha was really nice until the last dish which was way too left a bad last impression :( we also had to drive around 3 or 4 times cos we found the restaurant but it was a one way street which is insanely annoying...
so after lunch we went to the new shopping centre which i must confess is not very nice in to walk was like 1 long corridor with shops on the side. the picture i thought was funny cos it had 'gg' in it which is important if you know about games but i daresay no one who reads this would get it :P
so i was feeling really tired by about 4 30 and aunty linda made that observation hahahahah its cos i don't drink coffee like they do!!
so anyway i got home and changed the internet for aunty susan so she could use my other usb stick since i've become attached to this one :P
a funny thing happened actually. aunty olivia left her phone at aunty susan's place and went to aunty veronica who lives across the road. so i brought it back to her but i told aunty veronica 'aunty susan isn't feeding me so i was hoping i could get something to eat from here' she was all very willing to feed me before i told her i was here only to give aunty olivia's phone back we had a good laugh :P
anyway i got back and had dinner and a shower before calling thang and tony to see what was going on at leon's place ;p it was so bad of me i couldn't guess who was talking to me cos there were so many people there and a few of them i hadn't talked to in so so long about 2 years!!
so it was all quite confusing but it was very very enjoyable hahahaha i then taught aunty susan how to use her gmail account ;p before watching some of 2 fast 2 furious...its not a good movie.
so that is how i spent my day, very tiring but enjoyable ;p
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