Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Holidays begin

so holidays may as well have begun cos tomorrow there is only one hour lecture and friday is holiday!

so i woke up and had to be super fast cos i half forgot it was a 7 30 start i forgot to bring lecture notes but by some stroke of luck, helen had printed an extra copy hahahahah amazing no?

so anyway i barely used it in the lecture cos he just showed a whole variety of different dentures which he has used for certain issues to give us a bit of exposure, much like the other ones.

so anyway went to preclinic and managed to do 2 restorations and 1 cavity prep amazing session :D especially since there was some time taken to explain pulpitis and related issues.

so after that i was told that 2062 marks were out....we just did that yesterday dammit! yeah but i got 82.5% in the midsem, pretty decent :D

umm lab was actually interesting for me...but others just fell asleep...benny wasn't happy :( anyway we fiinshed 2 hours early and benny said that he wouldn't let us go in the second half if someone fell asleep during the lingual rim prep...no one did hahahahaha but it was quite obvious people weren't paying attention. i remember seeing dayea and aaron mnaking sounds with their cheeks :P i thought that was funny ;p and told jeff and we had a little snigger of our own :P

anyway after that,...i didn't want to wait for 2 hours especially since no one else was so i went home as well....

on the bus it took forever we had the slowest driver ever omg..he waited til every passanger was seated at each stop and then he would do all this safety stuff that no bus drivers actually do...at every stop so i hopped off and changed buses :P

so i got home early and not really much happened i didn't realise it was 5 until it got dark and harder to see things hahahahahahah

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