Saturday, April 9, 2011

ahhh a few days have passed since i blogged :P i am getting distracted hahaah

ok so i left off on wednesday. so on thursday i went to the uni for the one hour lecture on x rays and i think it was alright :D i felt a bit nauseas in the lecture but it went away after i stopped thinking about xrays hahahaha. so after that i went to get a few things some enamel plates for aunty susan and i got dragon age. that's what i played that day. i saw ben and helen when i went to KFC and they caught my bus! but not all the way home hahahaha.

hmmm i did tiny bit of study and gaming :P i think time to pick up the study pace from now! til mid sem exams are over :P on friday had a little study session and realised i actually know quite a bit :D even though i don't know everything my summary writing after lectures seems to be working :D
so after about 3 hours of that group study sonya left and i felt kinda exhausted and i wanted to play games :P mum called later on friday and we had a chat hahahaha

today i woke up at 10 cos i slept at 1 ish. got out my notes and studied since gray's anatomy textbook came in yesterday :D i finished dragon age once already but the game is so dynamic! must play it more later hehehehehe til then study!

bye dudes and dudets, mostly dudets cos those are the ones who read this now hahahahaha no guy that i know of reads this frequently hehehe

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