Hello dear readers of my exquisite blog!
As you may know I got a new laptop and as such I haven't been blogging since I have been putting my setting deleting installing things etc, the last of which is the printer before i can get underway and not need the other laptop...except it has microsoft on it...i'm going to have to get that hahahahhaah esp the ppt...but this has word and excel only one of which i actually use hehe
so i don't really remember much but here goes - it'll probably end up being really long anyway :P
so i'll just skip the weekend because that was consumed by study, games, configuration washing my clothes etc the regular stuff which i'll admit is very bland on review but for some reason i have to talk about it when i regularly blog haha call it a compulsion, call it an urge or call it duty ;p whatever
so monday we had laba nd preclinic amongst 2 lectures. I remember the first lecture because it was so funny. Prof Ngo was asking the class all these questions, some were easy some were not so easy but I felt compelled to answer them when there was a silence of more than 10 seconds. The funny thing was that even when i had absolutely no idea i made a reasonable guess and i got it right. like the size of dentinal tubules. I didn't know what it was but i knew it was small i mean it has to be right? so then i said 2 microns. Prof ngo was like well its bigger at one side than the other. you can't just say 2 microns you have to say 2-4 microns. so i will remember that hahahahaha and i think a lot of people will as well based on the circumstances more than the interesting nature of the fact :P
so then i had drilling and i managed to cut cavity preps, 2 of them! yay and they were both alright not amazing but alright. i mean i got one signed off and then just didn't bother with the filling cos i ran out of time and just wanted to practise cavity preparations (drilling). So then we had lunch and elaine commented on how i was having an asian meal (hgot meal over a roll) and i was all you jealous elaine? even though she had a hot meal herself. mine was more nutritious and tasty though hahaha
so anyway after lunch which i remember being uneventful...we had lab and we had our presentations but mine got cut short because benny got distracted and dr khan got distracted so the class just clapped after a minute which was quite rude but oh well i got my one minute of fame hahahahaha and i remember hiroshi's one. 'guys i want to warn you that i bite my nails and they look really gross'. i also remember benny pointing out that someone did their nails for this i think it was dayea so then she hid her nails for half her presentation :P
after that i remember talking to chloe because she was reading pride and prejudice...i was reading gray's anatomy....and then hiroshi came and told us a few disturbing thigns about his life...like how he showers once a month...geeeeez but he doesn't smell like a hobo does :O
anyway the afternoon lecture was quite good :D i don't remmeber why but i remember it was engaging and i took notes and stuff i'll relive it later :P
I got home and another textbook was waiting for me! stewart's removable partial prosthodontics. so now on to tuesday
so tuesday was the day that the first lecture was cancelled :d 9 am start AND there is gonna be less in the mid sem exam yaaaaaay! so i caught a bus and then waited for elaine to lend her my head and neck anatomy textbook since we were in different workshops and it was quite obvious she needed it more...i mean we were on computers just to learn muscles hahahahaha. so anyway in my 3 hour workshop they let people leave after half an hour, the oral health students because they already had their midsem hahahahahah only like a 40 minute exam...ours is gonna be more than twice that geeeez.
so i met the guys at the bioscience library whcih was quite a faqir walk about 10 minutes :D we studied. Jenny was very good at remembering the structures and features of bones....i'm jealous hahaha anyway after ben and hele returned elaine exclaimed that she wanted to go for lunch so i went with her to the microwaves at union whcih was 7 minutes away. on the way there there was this crow that flew straight at elaine...lets just say a few heads turned in our direction and not cos of me :P
so we got there and saw this line of about 200 people...probably around 20 but elaine was all omg so many people i don't wanna wait lets go physiol. so she took us the co op books hop way...which was closed but she thought it was open....so another detour to physiol refectory before we had lunch, i got some bunderburg lemon lime bitters and i like how it is so fizzy and it looks like abeer bottle and the contents are like pinkish so it somehow still looks like beer hahahhahaha too bad everyopne knows i don't drink :P
we went to the prac and we looked at dissected human hearts. i paid attention to what sonya and jenny were saying until we got the actual wet specimen and then i just kept opening the ventricles and trying to figure out everything before i called a tutor and then another tutor to tell me stuff :P turns out they told me the stuff that sonya and jenny were discussing hahahahahaha i think i'll remember it better this way. i asked it in a very funny fashion. 'so i know the heart has 2 ventricles and 2 atria, what else do i need to know?' it was actually really good how they told me a lot structures and interesting facts hahahaha
so that pretty much ended tuesday, we left and went home. i was early so i missed the rush hour :P on then yesterday! so we got shown a whole variety of 'bad' cavity preps and you kind of forget how small the cavity preps really are until you look in the mouth again hahahahaha gosh my hand control must have to be amazing to pass lolz. anyway we did that and i prepared 2 25 MOD's in the bit over 2 hours and managed to break my enamel hatchet which means i'm gonna have to pay for a new one awwwww. i mean i've dropped it which is how ben's brooke but i guess that just weakened it hahaha
lab finished really early so i looked at terry's notes and they are so long but actually quite easy to understand which is such a relief :D during lab hiroshi got pulled out of class by dr albert, we don't know why. it was funny cos dr albert said 'i'm a supervisor from upstairs' and after the door closed, benny was like 'i'm a supervisor for right here' before he continued with the secondary trays things. we had an exam which i got 100% in yay :D:D. erm what else... not much more happened yesterday except i had quite a boring lecture which i decided not to take any notes down especially since there were summary slides at the end whcih kinda said everything that was important :P
so today i went to lecture and it was alright i mean i ddn't look at the clock until about 30 minutes into the lecture. elaine didn't show up. i thought i lost my lunch box but ia ctually didn't...it was in my drawer for some reason...unsure why. had a golden gaytime krusher and it was quite yummy :D but managed to splash myself...i have a bad reputation with milkshakes hahahaha
ben and helen caught my bus but left me before my stop :P
we were going to go to GoMA but didn't cos exams are in a week so we'll go in 2 weeks hahahaha
aside from that i've been cleaning my room and i got sturdevants art and sicence of operative dentistry...such a fat book and its smells sorta funny. :P installed printer onto the laptop, vlc player and chrome few more thigns hahahahah like wicked and itunes :P