Saturday, October 16, 2010


today was really really windy :O i woke up at 8 30 and though bleh back to sleep and woke up again at 10 and had breakfast :P

it was windy up til about 11 and then i didn't notice it anymore, victor challenged me to starcraft and i lost abysmally boooooo

looked at the chem quiz and there are too many i can't do so i am a tad demotivated-_- michigan splint it is then, study. 5 questions 10% omg... sort of worse than 1050 hahaha

ummmmmmmmmmm went for a walk around to see what shops are around me and found what i was looking for, a hair dresser, alan said i needed a hair cut haha

felt tired at 6 to 8 and now i'm alright i think, will sleep soon anyway and tomorrow i shall work, learn michigan splint and perhaps do some revision. I looked at the chem external assessment and have no idea what to do hahaha

will work it out or ask someone later

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