Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Washing done

so today despite the rain i did my washing adn hung it under the house :P i had to wake up at 8 to do that hahahahah i wasn't late though which is always a plus:D

so i went to clinic and guess what mum, i passed drilling this time YEAHHHHHH

so i don't have to come back on december to do it :d yay

anyway we did some special trays and i think it was quite fun, as usual i ran out of time for lunch and so came a little late :P i ate most of my lunch but i think i talk too much :P

ummmm bought an umbrella - a green one :D

bought some shoes because rivers was selling them for 25 bucks, cheaper than lowes and these look better and i think they're more comfy :D

ummmm bus was ridiculously late by that i meant it came at the same time the next bus came, great i don't need 2 buses -_-

oh there was this guy on the bus who was bragging about doing Maths A - i was in nsw fram of mind and was quite impressed at first...until realised that was the equivalent of 2unit maths lol

hmmmm what else? oh alex pwned me in sc...not playing against him until i get back to sydney hahahaha

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