Tuesday, October 26, 2010


so today i had to wake up early to get to an 8am lecture. i ironed my shirt because i noticed it had quite a few crinkles on it and that would leave a bad impression. so i ironed my shirt and soon left the house. i went to the lecture and i am so glad i went, it was basically a guide to what the exam is gonna be like so hopefully i will do extremely well :D maybe even get a distinction, probably a credit though

so then i went to the library to look at some stuff for the viva today, did some group discussion before falling into group hysteria, i think i did everything carol said not to do OH WELL. so i went with my tie on and the time passed so incredibly quickly seriously it was mind boggling.

ummmm went to lab and it was an awesome lab lesson, lots of laughing hehehehehe :D

ummm went home and doing chem now yay.

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