Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thomas's day

hi! I'm thomas and this was my day

First i woke up and lay in bed for a long time because the sun so so comfortable in the morning so i got up a bit later than i usually would have, 9 am!

I woke up and had a delicous breakfast of last night's dinner and custard apple and milk yummmy :D

then onwards to washing my clothes! it was sunny so i thought it was safe, when the washing was ready to be hung, it was cloudy, oh well clothes can dry when its cloudy

then it began to sprinkle, that's alright. then it continued sprinkling....hope this stops and it did and it was cloudy....for the rest of the day. as a result i have many damp pieces of clothing

someone came and looked at the kitchen to quote a new one, auntie susan has wanted one for a while and now she's getting it :D

i studiously read my articles and made notes...gosh that is time consuming......... had lunch of bacon and eggs and tomoato and bread :D

sat watching soup while reading for an hour before bringing in damp clothes.

ben texted me informing of a momentous occasion, woolies supplies 1.5L bottles of raspberry lipton ice tea :D

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