Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hahahaha! Everyone looks so bored in it :P i actually think biology is much much more doring....gosh i was fine in immunology :P

bit annoyed that i was misled in oral 1020 exam but who cares :P

did the bio online exam and i dunno if it was written i prob would have studied a lot more and not gotten a good mark cos it wasn't that simple anyway :P

had some wedges at wordsmith :D that was at about 4 45 and had dinner at 6 :D ate everything weeeee

gonna make some bio and immunology notes

Not that much happened today

ummmm woke up at 6 45 today and took 15 minutes to print my notes.....sooo ridiculous. came 5 minutes late and that was 1/4 of the lecture gosh so short :P

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