Friday, April 23, 2010

jam packed friday :D

woke up early and tried to see how many push ups i could do.... i could do 1 tried sit ups. 0

5 mins of laying on the cleanish carpet and then tried again. got 5 :D

then tried sit ups ...3

5 mins after that, another try at push ups, got to 10 :D and proud of it. I think i remember something about excercise in the morning is worth twice as much at night? well i felt awake after that in any case

got ready and went to bus stop....signed in an sonya was online.....i was like - how come you didn't go dental school yet....she has her class in the afternoon...OOOOPS

waited for the bus for 10 mins, it was late so i thought i'd go to the other bus stop. about 1 min after i left, it was coming so i had to run grrrrr\

Preclinic was gooood fun today HIGH SPEED DRILL! cutting into our learn a prep block :D gosh its fun i'm gonna have fun as a dentist :P

my holes were not as exemplified as they should be but all in all it was pretty good...the second one anyway :D

went to bio and i can proudly say i did well in the lectorial

AND GOT A B FOR BIO :D:D personal response that is

hung around and talked for a while but on the bus back an international student started talking to me ;p i think he thought i was from china or something :P that was a funny 5 minutes hahahaha

came back late but i've had a shower so its OK :D

gotta do work - e conference. the lecture today had to do with our topic so NOTES NOTES NOTES

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