so today we had a chem lecture and that was all, so 1 hour and that's it. I knew Jenny wasn't coming, she can't be bothered travelling 1.5 hours each way. elaine wasn't going to come - i assume due to laziness? ben wasn't awake and i take it the same applies for helen :P but sonya was there! but she was on the opposite side of the room
the lecture wasn't very good cos i think i already knew it :P but that is besides the point
so afterwards sonya and i went to toowong and i wanted to get ice cream but decided against it in the last minure, so glad i went :D FREEE BOOST for having the name thomas :D:D how awesome is that? sonya didn't get one. the boost did give me a brain freeze though and made me cough a bit.
who cares, it was free :P
ummm bought some highlighters, sharpie ones so they better be good or at least decent, definitely better than coles ones anyway :D:D:D
ummmm after that i went to library which cost me an extra $1 in bus tickets but oh well, read some articles on amalgam and some points about other materials in dentistry, it was alright interesting but i never found out the chemical reaction between composite, GIC and amalgam with the tooth, oh well
got kicked out cos there was a class coming in so i went home. feeling satisfied i'd done work i playedsome games :D
finished hours ago and either going to do some chem or go to bed...the latter seems to be more enticing :D got 33/50 in my prr/fs :D
yeha that's all for now, gotta get he chem, and 1050 stuff done dusted and dead hehehehehehehehe
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