Friday, September 10, 2010

Double Prac day

so today we started on two completely different pracs. the first one we had been alluded to earlier and i will have to read up on it by tuesday again but i sort of know what is going on :D this is the wax up where we are trying to replicate the shape of a tooth.

we were exposed to a really neat piece of technology which can make porcelein crowns which would normally take up to 2 weeks in a dental lab and cost hundreds to make into a computer technology that costs about 2 bucks to make...awesome eh? dental technicians are gonna be out of a job soon :P the same startling fact for dentists may be true because technology like this could eventually outphase going to a dentist except for a check up and stuff, a gene has been discovered that is seen to be responsible for caries, scary stuff eh? if that is somehow eliminated then no more holes in teeth :O

anyway back to the prac, we were using the PK Thomas technique of bulding a crown. the idea was the build the crown really well so it fit in the mouth and then take the crown off and make a porcelein model

in the 15 minute break of the 3 hour session chloe and i vs. haowen and imran in foosball. needless to say we got a handicap :D each goal counted as 5. we won 3 times before we had to leave :P i think the last one was at 9-1 or something, it was person who got the last goal won...we didn't finish that game for fear of losing our winning streak :P

so after the first prac, we had lunch. sonya, jenny and ben wanted to go to my prac to practise more...but there weren't enough seats whcih was a shame, they stayed around for a bit but eventually have to leave because there were no seats.

the first cavity prep i took really slowly so that i could get it right...the second one i tried to finish at the same time and ended up mucking it up...need to go slower and follow my outline hahahaha, gonna bring a pencil next time :D that'll make my life much easier

so now i've played with the main types of restorative material, the GIC, composite and the amalgam. all good fun :D everyone should do a year of dentistry for fun :D

ummm the awesome awesome super cool thing was that i remembered to bring back my lab coat so i don't have to go back to the dent school :D:D yayyyyyyyy

so gotta do some chem now and then do some more chem and maybe read up on the wax technique

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