Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday 18th March 2010

Thought I'd chuck a bit of 7pm project :D

Today was pretty retarded haha
1. had first tutorial, it was alright, seemed like they asked some things we didn't need to know haha

2. art gallery again :D watched the same video clip....10 ish times? maybe 8 haha then walked around in the room of corn!

3. really gay boring bio lecture...omg horribly bad bad bad

4. while walking home from bus stop, birds flew around me :P

5. walked into a corner shop bought ice cream, woman began talking to me in mandarin and she kept saying 'do you want a part time job?' but I heard 'how come you didn't want to be a doctor' :P so she said it in english and I was like ooooo, no thanks!

Pretty upidy down

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