Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lisa's bday

UR 18 :D

now on to my day haha

today was quite busy which is why i haven't posted til now :D

Well i got new old speaker for the laptop they are like 10 years old but new for me :d and they work haha

I also build my wardrobe so now i have a lot of empty space...i spread my belonging in it. It is now my life :D

Toad prac - finished it yesterday, sent ext to bena dn helen...then kinda sorta got busy so i didn't reply...sorry guys!

Tried working out the texting option on the vodafone usb stick...its too complex :P

HAD MANGO ICE CREAM AGAIN :D as part of pancake for afternoon tea, yum

Did my washing and vacuuming and made my bed :P

re organised room so it looks different

got my pants to be fixed cos they were too long :P

next door cut the grass...that may not sound like much but apparently it hadn't been cut for like half a year :P it was really long

Saw stars..like lots of them...it was FINALLY a clear night....pweeeettttyyyyy

Went out for dinnner :P said bye bye to aunt who is going back to singapore, that was a good dinner yuuum!

ps: technically it the title still holds...cos it was her bday today :D

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