If you are still following then firstly I would like to thank you for all the wonderful support over the last couple of years... who am i kidding this thing isn't even 2 years old yet hahahhaha
So my theory of when mum calls up i don't have to blog seems flawed...cos i don't blog even if she doesn't call hahahahaha
anyway i'll just start on saturday. I went to toowoomba for carnival of flowers. so much better this year. the parade was good but the gardens were much nicer, flowers grown so they look like a picture, ingenious! got some hersehys :D yummmmm hahahahaha ;p
went for a late lunch whihc was pretty yummy and got back at about 5.
next day did washing and went to look at some electronics hahahaha awesome :D
washing wasn't completely dry despite the heat cos i put them on the line funny but its all good now. the new monitor makes the other laptop look bad and that one made the one before look bad ;p seems like i'm constantly upgrading eh?
monday was fun, practised the tooth i failed...but helen tells me it is a retest of the same tooth as the first time...i need to polish well! argh! need to learn how to polish properly -_- just youtubed it...youtubed so much
today was funny because the our afternoon lecturer came into our morning lecture LOL we were all confused ;p we had another lecturer come in later and went super fast and finished early gosh so much info.....so so so much. I WILL STUDY TOMORROW that lecture and learn some anatomy and do some of peter dodd's lecture
today was actually pretty good didn't feels sleepy during the lecture cos we were tlaking at lunch isntead of playing games on the phone or napping so yay good fun :D hope it more like that
GAF was interesting cos we were taking it so slowly and then the tutor just ripped it apart hahahahahhaha and there was as specimen whcih was done perfectly and had all these nerves and stuff. need to learn everything! been quite lax this sem its creeping up on me!
gameface on lets go!
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