Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The week that was and will be

So I haven’t really been posting much on blogger over the last week mainly because I haven’t felt like it and also cos mum’s called a few times hahaha so not much to report to her….and no uni. But the last week has actually been fraught with events.

To be perfectly honest I have not done as much work as I should have but that is not to say I have done no work. All my notes are ready to go however good or bad they are but at least I have something for every topic and every lecture and have prepared my essays and looked at past exam papers. Today I plan to do part some exam questions on radiology and radiography I found out the difference hahahahah radiography is taking the radiography and radiology is interpreting the radiograph…or the other way around I think its that way anyway hahahaha

So anyway because aunty susan was in the hospital for a week, she got home yesterday, I had to cook. So the first night I made myself some rice noodle soup then the next night had rice and rissoles, then the night after had some fried rice, then the night after we went out for uncle barrys birthday, the night after I had the leftovers from that day, the night after I had spaghetti and last night had steamed salmon and vegetables with aunty susan. The first couple of days I kinda forgot to drink enough water and eat enough fruit but then I remembered and behaved myself.

I’ve been waking up at 11 even though I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier. I did my washing yesterday and it surprisingly was a good day so it all dried quite nicely :D so I woke a bit earlier to do that. But today I was up at 8 which is not ideal as the exam starts at 8 so I think I’ll go to bed at 9pm because it just takes forever to warm my toes I’m gonna wear socks :D. Also I’m not gonna go on the computer at all for a couple of days cos its just too distracting seeing what gets posted on facebook, succumbing to sc and chatting ;p after posting this and printing a few things from the computer. Got to add to radiology notes before printing

So if anything pops up, can you text me? – aiming this at Helen really hahahahahaha wonder if she still reads this cos last couple of days have been quite disappointingly short posts

So anyway I’ll just articulate yesterday a lot better. Well I woke up and did my washing cos it was quite a sunny day and then came upstairs and got a call from aunty susan saying she should be home today. So then I did a bit of work until about 4 and then aunty susan came home and I warmly welcomed her. Brought my clothes from the line looked at her mri scan and started on dinner.

Watched a bit of masterchef not much and then at about 10 o clock I got a really random phone call from someone who sounded like a friend…but everyone sounds the same on the phone when they only say 3 words hahahahaha. So after she hung up I called back and got no reply. But this call reminded me of a/prof sernia’s inspirational speech and prompted me to go to bed and then the next morning (today) get up and do some serious revision with complete work and no time for anything else. Anyway I texted ann and wondered if it was her. It wasn’t but we did a bit of texting before she went to bed cos she had work today.

After that I heard some noises and woke up looked outside my window didn’t see anything put on my glasses and saw a furry creature which I think is a possum in the tree eating leaves. How very strange but so cute hahahaha. Like I got my phone and flashed it with my camera. Instead of running away, it got into full view and kept eating. I just looked at it for 15 minutes before going to bed cos my feet were warm. This was at 1…took me about 2 hours to go to sleep. I think not sleeping at thje time I want is making me anxious so lame. A week of sleeping late really stuffs up 15 weeks of sleeping early hahahahaahaha but I am nowhere near as tired as I was during semester which can only be a good thing :D

So today I have resolved to do

From walsh:


Mouthwashes and biocides

Remineralisation and composition of tooth structure


How x rays are produce

Parts of an x ray machines

X ray safety

Processing and the chemicals involved

Digital x ray

Errors in image taking

Extra oral radiography

Normal lucencies and opacities in x ray film


Rewrite them under time restraint do one 20 minute followed by 30 minute one to be honest I want to take 18 and 27 minutes so I can choose to highlight the key words or have an extra 5 minutes to go back to radiology.

This year has had questions which I had no idea how to answer I think that is the trouble with this year over last year. Last year you had an idea for every question and when the explanation came it was like OOOOOO I see but this year even after the explanation…for some questions I’m still completely lost but enough of this its approaching a thousand words which is longer than both my essays should be combined :D

Happy studying or whatever it is that you are going to be doing today and the coming days.

Exams mean I have top harness this unmistakable force of enlightenment and use it to study to the best of my ability

Cya later

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