however after i finished doing that we just watched youtube videos for a bit ;p that was quite fun. afterwards i had lunch bit after i finished eating we played cards. the expression 'oooooo i just raped you' when i beat hiroshi became spoken too many times hahahhaaha must be because of the bed intruder song that we watched :P
anyway lecture was quite dry despite the lecturer trying to spice things up. unfortunately for him it was the first day :( we didnt fall asleep i don't think but afterwards took a bit longer to get back cos the normal way was blocked by construction.
so when i was walking home from the busway, it started raining but lucki;ly i didn't get very wet at all which was quite lucky but all the same i was exhausted and the dark 4 30pm sky did not help one bit so i slept til almost 6. i got up had a shower and still felt groggy but after dinner i was fine! checked my bank account and i haven't been robbed hahahahaha ;p
today it was quite cold in the morning so i wore my awesome coat :D the normal milk wasn't int he fridge so i had some of aunty susan's and its a bit sweeter than normal milk, its yummy hahahaha. i then left and the buses didn't come for a solid 10 minutes meaning i would be more late ;p
i got to uni and found out i printed the wrong notes lol that was a waste but i'll use them next week :D
ummmm what else? polished and cut and filled today in preclinic. there was not test where there was supposed to be, so monday i guess. not really much much else today :P
today was less eventful than yesterday ahahahaa
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