Monday, May 30, 2011


so today was really packed because it was pretty much 9 hours straight and i was actually quite attentive today :D meaning that a. there wasn't that much content just lots of hours or b. i had an amazing night of sleep or the lextures and stuff were super interesting. only a combination of all three could actually keep me awake. i skeipped lunch and had it for afternoon tea in the lab break instead.

yeah the kety perry channel has turned into a kylie minogue channel

not really that much to say ;p maxillofacial prosthodontist was kinda intimidating :P

Sunday, May 29, 2011

yummy prawns :D

had the best prawns today :D the.best.

ummm played some random skype games, did cardiovascular and respiratorynotes had to go back to add the prac and anatomical things to them :P up to renal but i think i'm gonna do the 2022 thing instead :P

cya later! last days of autumn :D

didn't post yesterday

so chuck another post on later :D yesterday and today i don't have to do my washing cos i did it on a beautiful thursday :D yesterday wasn't very exciting except uncle kim and aunty linda came over for dinner and then aunty lizzie came over for dessert, it was so yummy! but i had too much dinner so i only had one bowl lol

did a lot of heart stuff and respiration. looked at loupes and still can't decide...getting cheap ones are harder than getting expensiveones lol!

not only do i have to get the loupes but also the right glasses whcih can be a pain :(

borders has pretty much closed down which makes me think back and go awwww MAN i used like 300+dollars there which could have been 30 :P

post again later :)

Friday, May 27, 2011


so today i sent laptop into the repair people

hada good lecture :D off to do work :d

skype is broken or something...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


so yesterday was good except for a few tinges which made me unable to blog...

so anyway i forgot to mention i passed my filling exam :D

anyway yesterday i went to the lecture and then had the workshop which ended about an hour early. its so dodgy cos we look at like 1 relly specific part of an entire thing which makes it quite difficult.

i then went to the bioscience library to meet up with ben helen and jenny and then we went for lunch wen to union and saw that they only had like 1 microwave for everyone omg.... then we walked to james foots whihc was where i started off at hahahaha

anyway we hung around there til the lecture and i had a nap! i never have naps its just we didn't do anything which meant i could nap ;p.

I didn't fall asleep in lecture cos i drank lots of water :D elaine was sitting in front and asked me to wake her up. i asked if i could throw my shoe at her and she was like 'yeah ok...wait no it'll be stinky' i was like what? so if my shoe wasn't stinky i can throw it? ;p and then she said kick the chair but specifically told me not to kick her jacket lol

so i decided to throw a scrunched piece of paper at her but didn't need to :d i refilled bottle and peed in the break and after the lecture :D

so after dinner i jumped on laptop and it died on me. so i need toshiba to fix it
i went on other laptop and it leeched all the net omg...so annoying so that's why i didn't blog yesterday...

today was alright, i mean morning lecture was cancelled so i wan't late today ;p

preclinic was kinda bludgy LOL was done in 20 minutes :D and then watched other people pretty much ;p at the end though talked to dr albert about loupes and he told me about options for people with glasses :d and offered to let me look through his ones. he said to buy a cheap pair to get through dental school. and to get good before you use them so you get really good with them :d and afterwards you buy expensive ones so you can claim it on tax :D

erm had lunch lab was kinda boring but i made 2 contour rims in 2.5 hours which is pretty good but the first one i had the wire at the wrong place or it'd have been amazing!

boring lecture in the arvo don't even remember much apart from a balanced bite ;p

recharged go card yesterday and my interenet today so that is 200 bucks! hahahahaha

Monday, May 23, 2011

2022 so fast!

so today morning lecture, we kinda found out what prof ngo was expecting for exams.

competency i stuff up but i did it again and passed. like in the allocated time that is :P

ummm lab found out ben went in an iron man competition...omg and he finished it. that is 30km run 4km swim and 120km bike. geeeeez

had an awesome end of lecture today as well :D:D

Sunday, May 22, 2011

yellow chewing gum

so yummy and smells delicious, its a new mentos variety :D its 3 different colours and then after being chewed it turns yellow :D

i think i have been overindulging ;p that and also the digital radio so there are lots of repeats which is the disadvantage of having 2x as many radio station :P

Saturday, May 21, 2011

strange day...

lots of random rain so no washing hahaah

did 2052 and 2022 today well made a start on the both. found out the volum eof work i have omg....good thing i am starting now and not in 2 weeks time hahahaha i can see how cramming will lead to a fail :P

yeah listening to radio all day. feel kinda lazy :P need to get buff somehow without effort hahahahahahaha

Friday, May 20, 2011

feeling good

so today i was feeling quite good all day cos yesterday i cleaned the room :D

the lecture was a bit later which was good cos i woke up and went back to sleep :P the second lecture was in an unfamiliar room and i would have been lost if i didn't follow the lecturer :P there were no tables making note taking quite difficult....

anyway the lecture ended early anyway and we went to physiol where i got a spring roll for 2 50 and prompted ben and helen to get one as well :D so we sat there with sonya elaine ben and helen departing for various times and coming back in the reverse order ;p

chatted to jenny for about an hour before bena nd helen came back with scratchies :D

won some money hehehehehe

ummmm after that went to lecture which was really really fast paced omg....got lost so many times ;p

then we spontaneously decided to see pirates of the carribean 4 randomly which was good!

after that went to dinner and then went home :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

gotta get back in the groove!

well i didn't post yesterday cos mum called for about an hour and then talked to aunty susan for about an hour hahahaha

umm this morning i got out of bed on time and all that shizz got to the lecture 7 minutes early! and knew ben and helen weren't coming. pity cos it was an amazing lecture! and lots of chocolates kept us awake, just the novelty of them being thrown around more than anything hahahaha but yeah it was interactive it was fun and there was quite a bit of information so :D:D

anyway after that we went to do some 2022 practise questions and research basically and that was alright hahaha. spent about an hour and a half before i decided to go home since it was rainy and yeah... but the lecture was cancelled as well ;p

erm....what else... not much :P

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

3 days not much happens hahaha

so i'll start from sunday since i haven't posted since then. On sunday i did a hell of a lot of study but by monday i don't really remember that much because i was just exposing myself to a lot of the normal antomy both histology and radiology. so i was looking through 2 or 3 textbooks trying to look at everything and then also the manuals, just looking at pictures.

That was pretty much my sunday i am gonna do a lot this thursday, vacuuming and cleaning and all that shizz make my room look neat again without so many textbooks sprwaled everywhere.

anyway on monday i enjoyed preclinic and lab was really slow cos i finished quite quickly so i was stuffing around hahahaha. anyway during that break i talked to a few people and looked at a few more things and got some of the theory behind what i've been looking at :D so i looked at pemphigus pemphigoid scc and learnt the differences histologically.

the lecture was quite alright but it was so funny when prof ngo came and basically told us his part of the exam and said he expected a really high quality work :D half an hour is quite a while when you know the question heheheheh. so that was awesome :D

then today was the test, i ddin't get a sleepin but it didn't matter the test was very testing and we were all tested....gosh it was so different from what i expected :(

twas bad

lots of air con people ahve been calling will make a decision later. they all sound legit hahahaha but expensive!

so i realxed for the rest of the day :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Aunty susan's birthday

so if you were wondering what those picture were that was my lunch....except dessert :P

here they are :D

so the first set of desserts were nowhere near as
good as the second one ;p being the one with the cheesecake and profiterole :D. i'
d label all the food but i can't be bothered.

got my digital radio and it is filling my room with noise now :d i'm getting acquainted with music after about a year and a half of pretty much no music. got it 99, 40 dollars less :D its so cool like it has the name of the song on the screen which is soething which i always want to know and they rarely say it so i'm quite happy about that :D:D. we went shopping everywhere and aunty susan spent a while in wombat cos there was a 50% off everything and 70% further reduction on some items :D

looked at a few more jumpers and they were pretty plain i want an awesome jumper so will probably buy one from the internet or just wait for sales in end of financial year :D:D

Yesterday I ate a kangaroo...

sausage. so it was the first ime i had kangaroo and it was 2 bucks for a sausage sizzle. it was alright :P before that though a few things happened. the lecture ended early! yay! 20 minutes. sonya and elaine decided to go to lab and make a contour rim. jenny, helen ben and i went to group room and did some work, it made me realise how little i knew :P i mean i've looked at a lot of picture but can't really describe them in the detail that they could.... watched a uselesss youtube video hahahaha

anyway we went for lunch and then helen bought ice cream in a box for 4 40 and i got 2 scoops of gelato for 4 bucks :P it was a bit icy though guess people don't buy gelato in winter :P. helen got a scratchie and won 6 bucks so she profitted 2 bucks :P

did the CAL. elaine and chloe fell asleep hahahaha. did the quiz and got confused for the last question oh well ;p

didn't really do much else yesterday. called anthony and got some tips :P



Thursday, May 12, 2011


no i have not become an athlete by any means :P

so basically i spent an hour looking for an inexpensive jumper which i failed to find. the ebst sale i could find wasa at colorado, 30% off mehh... they looked gross ;p i'll get one if it gets waaaaaaaaaay too cold or during summer :D yay

got a couple of shirts...i think i may have to throw some out soon, they're getting thin and worn outhahahaha

gotta vacuum and study this weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A typical Wednesday

So I feel that I haven't blogged very concisely about a single day in a really really long time so this is gonna be really really long and probably boring with lots of little details which i won't fail to omit.

So lets start at midnight. i was asleep since i had a lecture at 730 so i was asleep unlike most of the other days since the holidays begun hahahaha. so i woke up to my alarm at 630 and decided that it wasn't worth getting out of bed yet that was until aunty susan knocked on the door to rouse me at 6 45 and then i decided it was time to definitely start thinking about getting out of bed. by 6 55 i was out of bed and realised i should leave the house at 7. that wasn't going to happen so i took a but of time and got to the bus stop at 7 11 and thought that i might JUST catch my bus. that was until i looked at the timetable and to my dismay found that my bus didn't actually come at that time...it was the one bus that i couldn't catch that came at that time. and so i have a new resolve, to walk across the park on wednesday moprnings ;p monday and thursdays are fine cos there are about 4 buses between 7 30 and 740 so that's alright :D

anyway i got on the bus and jumped off at buranda because i don't like it going all the way along the busway since it is quite crowded at the cultural centre and takes forever. i was surprised to see the very bus i wanted to see come into sight about a minute after i got off. the 88 which bypasses all the busway and takes me straight to where i want to go with only a 3 minute walk to the dental school. i was about 5 minutes late because the lecture theatre is so far away from the entrance gosh!

I sat down to a really boring lecture about indirect retention for removable partial dentures. i don't think the actual lecture was that boring but he had mentioned so much of the content in some way previously which made it a lot drier. i remember catching elaine almost falling alseep and her catching me like 2 minutes afterwards :P

so the thing with the early start is that we have a half hour break afterwards and we usually nap or try to in that time. ben had forgotten his lab coat so i lent him mine since he needed it in lab more than i needed it in preclinic. this led to something really funny actually.

So after deciding to go to preclinic, i grabbed my stuff and headed off. I was definitely one of the first 10 there and went to borrow a lab coat. the lab coat i borrowed was the same as the tutor used and i had to roll up my sleeves in order to get them covered ;p. so anyway got the place mat, rubber dam frames and handpeices for everyone on the table and chloe got my log book, the foreceps a GOOD hole punch and templates scissors but we were too late for the floss so i snagged one from the other wheel :D

anyway after i got all my PPE on, dr albert looked like he wanted to talk to me but then stopped himself and said. oh sorry i thought you were dr hsing. i was like LOL and then chloe remarked how much i actually did look like him :D dineeth made that comment about 4 times during the course of preclinic hahahahah i thought it was hilarious!

so anyway i started doing my amalgam about 6 minutes into the preclinic whihc is really fast but i got them titurated and then they began talking so i was forced to scoop out what i had done and then listen. it was quite interesting and i learnt a bit :D. I was so focussed on my carving my amalgam but...managed to do it wrong hahahaha i put the buccal groove too mesial so the mesial cusp looked bigger than the distal hahahaha oh well and i didn't carve an overhang off but dr albert signed me off anyway. i proceeded to do some cavity preps on the 15 and stuff them up gosh forgot how small they were! ;p tried again and failed again so after an hour it was time to pack up. i did 2 alright ish one...but oh well!

so while packing up, i was talking to dr albert in my incognito as dr hsing ;p and he was saying how he applied for ortho 3 years after he finished uni cos he took an extra year...for kicks? and this came about cos we were talking about checking depths twice and he told me a story about how his friend extracted the wrong tooth. check twice was the message ;p.

anyway after that i went down to lunch and waited for a microwave cos it was well and truly lunch hour and they were all taken. one of the microwaves stopped working and someone turned it on and off and got a shock! he swore a bit ;p i shared elaine's microwave and she was having cantelloni but i was having rice and beef tendons which was really yummy :D

ben and helen had gone to queen street for lunch and i asked them to get me some kfc assuming that they'd go there but the didn't so no kfc for me! so anyway while elaine was getting her lunch or wating for hers to heat i was eating and was done by the time she got back ;p. she had to send the electric toothbrush to a buyer, this is the one we got for free last year and she sold it for 50 bucks;p rrp 100.

so anyway she was gone! it was so quiet you could have heard a pen drop. jenny jenny and sonya were quite quiet even thought they had finished eating with the exception of jenny :D I decided to just ramble for a bit hahaha before i decided to make it really interesting and stared right at sonya and asked 'hey jenny did you ever have a nickname' this bamboozled everyone for a bit before jenny replied no and other jenny told how her friends typed her name as jenne instead of jenny. not that much difference really :P

after talking for a bit ben and helen returned and i told them of the proposal that i had just made, to get a new ben but his name didn't have to ben ben but he would replace ben when ben went somewhere as to alleviate the silence. this was quite confusing so i just dropped it and asked what anyone's favourite limerick was. ben and i were of the same wavelength about a certain limerick :D

it goes and follows

there was a man from china
he wasn't a very good climber
he slipped on a rock
and broke his rock
and now he has a rock.

the actualy limerick is a bit more anatomical but this will serve its purpose nicely because that was exactly what i said. no one got it.... before i hinted at the hidden anatomical features very well hidden behind a rock! jenny got it and i think sonya got it but helen was inherently lost ;p

i think that was the last thing whihc we talked about before we went our separate ways. going to lab was really funny actually. i went to the toilet and saw ryan there so i went in the cubicle while he was at the urinal. anyway we walked out at the same time and just at that time, dineeth was all WTH where were you guys? what were you doing? i replied toilet. he asked at the same time? i thoguht that was a little funny ;p especially since there are toilets in the locker room which is where i usually go but ANYWAY. so we went to lab and were to articulate some models. i did mine pretty quickly compared to most people.

like i made the mixture pretty quickly and was able to smooth it without too much hassle before i lightly sanded it and got the jig from rick. handed it to jeff after i was done and rick got another one ;p we're so charismatic everyone wants us to have the jigs ;p so i was done in about an hour but most people were done after about 2 ish cos they had to wait hahahahaha. i sanded before playing around with my countour rim. i was surprised that they didn't come together perfectly before benny explained that they shouldn't and that we have a few more steps :D

i waited in anticipation and played around with my model i am not sure if i ruined it or not but mehhh its fun hehehe. so with the articulated models i follwed benny's steps of making it occlude with the acryllic contour rim and spent the next probably 20 minutes on it before i began cleaning up the plaster room since i was quite confident i was done and that no one would want to clean the plaster room and would want to spend every last second on this. i ghave my acryllic rim to jenny since they ran out and went to clean.

by the time i was pretty much done it looked alright but tara came in and used the spray, very fancy indeed hahahahaha.

left and went to the lecture theatre pretty much. i was the first one in there and sat in the dark in my balck shirt. terry came in looked around and didn't see me since the lights were off. ho jay then came in and said hi thomas. to which terry exclaimed 'why didn't you say anything before' hahahaha this attracted benson who in an equally exasperated manner exclaimed 'wow you're hiding!' hahahahah i took a but of pleasure in that :P people came in and by the designated time to start, the room was much fuller than this morning's lecture :P it started off really well i was wide awake for over half an hour before the chemical compositions were spoken of. i looked around and saw elaine, gilbert and benson falling asleep :P oh well the 'this slide is important for the exam' roused everyone and they were well dispersed in the lecture slides hahahahaha elaine was espcially awake for these instances :D

so afterwards, we went home and i wanted to get a kfc drumstick or something cos i was feeling a bit peckish. after seeing the line i opted for a mcdonals hamburger. as i walked there the line grew. how very strange! so i didn't get that either seeing i had 6 minutes to my bus i went to 7 11 got a donut for a dollar and went to wait. i waited for a 3 minutes before the bus arrived. i intently read sherlock holmes which i was destined to finshed today :D and i did just not on the bus

had some dried hokkien noodles for dinner whcih was quite nice and told aunty susan my water filter jug was made in germany :D i finished my book and then aunty lizzie came over for some reason..not too sure why but aunty susan mentioned the series whcih ben gave to to show her anatomy for beginners and she got that she looked at some of my textbooks and i showed her some teeth and she asked about gum disease, halitosis and caries which i explained to her to sufficient detail i think :D she then drank a glass of filtered water and remarked how it tasted better than tap water. i haven't really noticed a difference :P

so that has been a typical wednesday for me :D write how your day was in the comments section hehehehe the chatbox is overrun...is there a way to block these insensitive ad people?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Elaine's back!

no not her anatomical back but rather she is back from china! hahahaha what kind of person do you think i am ;p

so this morning was extraordinarily cold for no reason i think its cos i wasn't wearing enough :P got out of bed at 7 but was back in bed almost immediately ;p warmed up for 10 minutes before feeling awake and then going to bus stop and being early hehehe. walked with ho jay to the lecture. it was an interesting set of topics today :D and i told helen how girly she sounds on the mic ;p i didn't really notice that that much before :P

hmmmm we went to the workshop and it was funny cos we did the work for the first half hour before it got incredibly boring ;p at about an hour in we saw that people from the other work shop had wandered in so i went on facebook and then went to physiol. the door kept being opened by people going to the microwave and the wind was really cold ;p

we then went to the prac after practically freezing and warming up for 3 hours ;p the prac was really fun and the quiz afterwards i got 10/10 yay!

its getting colder now and i'll need to bring the other 2 blankets down hahahaha and wear more clothes!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's day

I sent mum and e card cos i didn't even know it was mothers day til it would be too late for mum to recieve her card ;p

so today we went to lunch and it was really nice :D like the meal that they said was enough for 6 people fed 8 and there was still food left hahahah and it was yummy i was quite full after it, we went to vietnamese corner and i swear peking duck isn't vietnamese but prove me wrong...prove me wrong. the traffic getting there was kinda bad but we got in early at about 11 30 hahaha later when aunty linda came to join us the traffic was much worse! oh well ;p

so i got home and you know how after you had a really nice and big meal you feel tired and want to digest? i slept for a good 2 hours :D uncle mark was a bit concerned lol.

i woke up with the determination to study and i flew through 2 lectures before mum called and i decided to haeva shower then dinner :D

i don't know how but i used 80mbs...and i haven't even done anything...it was like 8 mb's when i went to havea shower maybe something updated itself or something i dunno.... stupid new laptop wasting so much internet ;p

I think i'll finish this week's lecture before looking at next weeks. trying to get myself back in the groove :d having fun has its advantages hehehehe

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Beautiful day!

SO should have gone beach today! but i woke up at like 11 and by the time i did washing and ate lunch it was close to 1 so yeah ;p

beach picnic! grand idea! lets go next sunday!!

anyway not much except i played starcraft with victor for about 5 hours hahahahaaha

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boat cruise!

sooooo much fun :D:D:D:D

little light headed but otherwise completely fine more than fine had sooooooo much fun :D

I would include an image but i didn't take any i so so should have :D. So we met for dinner first and we were kinda worried that we wouldn't finish on time but guess what we did :D the funny thing was that helen burnt a napkin hahahaha then i suggested that we put the napkin on top of the glass bowl to suffocate the flame ;p we didn't... i had a miso pork ramen or something like that and it was really nice :D everyone enjoyed their meal so we're gonna come back one day hehehe

so after that we caught a bus at king george square to southbank because we were at the wrong ferry stop hahaha. the ferry stop which jenny and ben thought it was was wrong! so we walked more before reaching the ferry stop.

the boat we got on was called wild boys and it was sort of a party boat ;p. the first thing we did was go to the toilet hahahahaha! after getting a drink, i started talking to people, talked to anthony in third year and richard for a bit before attacking some first years ;p talked to some second year probably everyone there i don't really remember who was there though :P

then we went to the bar and decided to try some of the more interesting drinks hahahaha and they came in cups :O got some jd spilt on me but i had 2 shirts on so its alright :D. midori was yummy hehehe like cordial ;p

we went downstairs and thought the food was free but it was a dollar a piece so we just talked to some 4th years. it was too loud so i couldn't really catch the names of most people but i'm sure when i go to dent school i'll recognise them :D

lots of photos hehehehe i don't really know what else to talk about i have no idea where the actualy boat went i know it was brisbane river but that's about it ;p

If only everyday was like today!

As you can imagine today was quite eventful and fun :D I woke up and was tired and didn’t want to get out of bed cos it was so so cold. By then time I left the house I walked in a zombie like state to the bus station and saw I just missed a bus but waited about 30 seconds before another one came! Amazing!!! That was the first thing. Sylvia insisted it was too warm and that my jacket on top of my hoodie with gloves was excessive hahahaha so I took off my gloves!

Anyway got to the lecture and found that the pathway they were building on Tuesday was open so no need to walk through wet gross grass hahahaha. So the lecture itself started alright :D like I was walking in the corridor and remarked ‘ooo we’re not late’ and the lecturer was just behind us and said ‘oh yes you are I’ve already set up’ haha

The lecture itself wasn’t that amazingly interesting in the first 10 mionutes but there was quite a bit to take down but at 15 minutes the fire alarm started to go. WOW a fire alarm! My first one as far as I can remember but I’ve had practice ones before and one other real one at hurlstone :D

So after that I was completely awake and it was a good 15 minute break hehehehe. The next hour of lelcture was pretty good even though I was quite blank for some of it especially when we were asked to diagnose the condition it should have been obvious cos he talked about it during the lecture but I didn’t put 2 and 2 together :P or rather I put 2 and 2 and got 100 :P

After that we walked to a sunny grass area but jenny left us so she could catch her bus :P. sonya stuck around for a bit before she too ran away! I had the guiness book of world records out which will become part of sonya’s present hehehe :D and we perused it for a while before deciding to go shopping. I’m glad I decided to join ben and Helen and equally glad we decided to go to indro over the city :D We walked all three levels in the pursuit of an awesome shirt ehehehe which I found in target ben found one but it was a bit pricey so he decided against it.

The thing is Myer has exactly what you’re looking for….except not at the price you’re looking for or the size you’re looking for ;p by that stage we were a bit tired. We eventually went back to target since we were getting something we’d wear like once so I got a nice blue shirt for 19.

We then went for lunch I got helen’s drink from her storm deal and she got a juice bottle AMAZING! Ben got a 3 piece feed from KFC and I got a large meal from hanaichi which really truly was large and I was just able to finish it. We then went to the toilet omg! But coming out of the toilet we walked into an arcade :D we spent about 15 dollars ish and over an hour in there which was quite surprising. The thing was I played some ddr which made me happy and sort of sore hehehehe, Helen played some random shooting game she wasn’t very good at ;p and also another shooting game which used a joystick and each token gives you 10 shots. Each token was about 50 cents so she wasted it all cos the shark needs 100 shots and she put one token in ;p.

We played a funny coin game which you slide it in and try to win more coins right. We spent about I dunno 8 dollars ish there putting it in and stuff. It was really funny at 2 stages which sort of made it worth it. While we were putting coins in we barely won anything even though coins dropped there weren’t any in the actual bucket. We went away to get more and came back and walking made it drop and we got about 12 hahahaha! We then played with those 12 at the same machine and after a bit, ben like flicked the machine and one fell down that was amazing!!

So we moved away and came back cos we didn’t really want to play other games :P. Just as we were about to leave, ben made the remark that he hadn’t played pinball in an arcade before so I promptly popped a dollar in and then it lasted for about 20 minutes hahahahah the balls kept falling down the hole but another one came and then there were multiple balls and balls got stuck and stuff hahaha, it was the best dollar of the day :D we must have played 30 or so balls! And when there is more than one its really hard to focus on them ;p.

We caught the bus and went our separate ways. There’s a boat cruise today at 6 50 so we’re going to dinner before that :P hope its good! Would be a good end to a good day :D Its also quite warm now :D that’s nice hehehehe

Thursday, May 5, 2011

a whole day in

so today i planned to do some 2030 like write notes for the 20 lecture or something which sounds daunting but i don't think it is. so i hopped ont he computer and that was where productive work stopped in between facebook starcraft reading and chatting there wasn't any time

BUT i did make my own delicious sandwich hahahaha aunty susan was out and she told me that there was stuff in the fridge and some nice turkish bread. so i went about making it. first chucked avocado on and used it as people would use butter then tore up the chicken drumstrick and put that on before slicing some tomato and putting that on and some red spanish onion. i put some sugar and some lime and put it in the oven. waited for red onion to wilt meaning it lost that sharp sensation when you ate it and was sweet even before i put on two slice of cheese and ate it :D

water filter came today as well so i spent 2 hours reading instructions and other things that came with it and also following them, washing everything thoroughly and then letting water pass through it twice, like fill the jug twice...its so so slow hahahahaha but it does build up but the water doesn't taste any different mehhh

used up 200mb's gah! gotta stop using so much!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

uni starts again!

so i've been really tire since uni started hhahahahahahaha but at the same time sort of glad sort of dread that its back on ;p. on tuesday i remember coming into the 8am lecture and saying in a really cheery tone 'hello how is everyone today? had a good holiday?' this wasn't met with an equally cheery expression rather 'why are you so happy?' hahahaha boring lecture, then went to see some prosections, got let out halfway through the prac. I had brought my laptop cos i wanted to download all the documents that i hadn't downloaded before ;p

however after i finished doing that we just watched youtube videos for a bit ;p that was quite fun. afterwards i had lunch bit after i finished eating we played cards. the expression 'oooooo i just raped you' when i beat hiroshi became spoken too many times hahahhaaha must be because of the bed intruder song that we watched :P

anyway lecture was quite dry despite the lecturer trying to spice things up. unfortunately for him it was the first day :( we didnt fall asleep i don't think but afterwards took a bit longer to get back cos the normal way was blocked by construction.

so when i was walking home from the busway, it started raining but lucki;ly i didn't get very wet at all which was quite lucky but all the same i was exhausted and the dark 4 30pm sky did not help one bit so i slept til almost 6. i got up had a shower and still felt groggy but after dinner i was fine! checked my bank account and i haven't been robbed hahahahaha ;p

today it was quite cold in the morning so i wore my awesome coat :D the normal milk wasn't int he fridge so i had some of aunty susan's and its a bit sweeter than normal milk, its yummy hahahaha. i then left and the buses didn't come for a solid 10 minutes meaning i would be more late ;p

i got to uni and found out i printed the wrong notes lol that was a waste but i'll use them next week :D

ummmm what else? polished and cut and filled today in preclinic. there was not test where there was supposed to be, so monday i guess. not really much much else today :P

today was less eventful than yesterday ahahahaa

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sum up of the midsem break

so before i go into that i'll tell you what mundane things i did yesterday and today.

Yesterday i didn't go anywhere but i stayed up til 1 to read hahahah and played some starcraft with alex as well as really got into making notes for a couple of hours...or rather flicking through textbooks to see what content was actually in them and they are amazing! well at least 2 of them are hahahaha really clarified and reinforced some of the things which were in the lecture notes all about cariology and i read up some radiology and some on GIC. but i got really into emma hahahaha that sounds funny ;p! it was actually really slow

so anyway cos i slept kinda late today i woke up at the last minute today so that i could go to the last temple gathering for gik gong. it was quite interesting because i was reading the chinese pin ying as though it were mandarin but quickly realised it was cantonese so i just looked at it instead hahahaha

after that we went to yum cha and it was YUM hahahaha basically the best part was the dessert delicious mango pancakes ;p i refrainedd from the fried ice cream hahahaha. so i finished emma and it got a nice ending hehehehe

oh and ive been watching masterchef which has been okay....

so i planned to do a few things

i got my air con go my water filter

sort of did
did some 2022 and 2030

didn't do
licence loupes hang out enough!

did but didn't plan on doing
read a lot hahahahaa