Monday, February 28, 2011

Uni starts again

So after a day of uni i want holidays again hahahahaha i guess its the shock of doing absolutely nothing for 3 months to 8 hour full on day...well not exactly full on but the idea is certainly there. so i woke up at 4 22, 611 and finially at 6 40. it was the strangest sensation. at 6 40 it felt so serene for the next 10 minutes until my alarm would break the silence. it was a good feeling :D

so after that i got dressed and chucked a few things into my bag...not the instrument kit and tooth model which i would need in the very very near future. so i rocked up and the first lecture didn't put me to sleep the first prac kept me on my feet cos i didn't bring the equipment although i had it :( i won't forget again i assure you! but we did have to wait about half an hour before they let us into the room :P so after the prac i had lunch, nothing too exciting happened there :P

OH actually we got handouts! yay in Dent 2022 we got some awesome handouts :D an A3 sheet even :P. so then after lunch i spent 3 hours bending wire which sounds really trivial but its a really important skill to have and it is not as easy as it sounds. for example try making a paper clip completely straight...not easy is it :P good thing dentists have a whole variety of tools to make amazing shapes. perfect right angles perfect curves and all that shizz haha :D

in the break i played some foosball and we were winning like 7 -3 but ended up losing 8 -10 hahahhaha. the last lecture was by dr albert tran and it was pretty interesting even though i thought we had done a topic to death he added a new spin to it and surprisingly there was a lot of new content! for example i had no idea local anaesthetics stopped bleeding because adrenaline in it is a vasoconstrictor which inhibits blood flow!

so i think i shall try and put some sort of information on the blog from now on so as to sort of make me remember something hahahaha a new approach for a new year :D

catch you tomorrow! seems likea hectic hectic day tomorrow. no idea where i'm going...actually some idea but yeah and just seems long despite finishing at 3 :P

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