OK so here goes a huge long mega review of what I’ve been up to since my last post which was pretty much a day before I left Brisbane so I spose I’ll start there.
So that day I had to work out what I would bring back to
So since I was going to be gone for such a long time there were all these things to think about like packing all my books into the cupboard cleaning under the bed, vacuuming, closing blinds so the bed doesn’t get sunbleached etc…
So needless to say I did everything I thought was necessary hahahaha. The I grabbed my bag to weigh it and the strap broke….i promptly got my sewing needle out and reattached it back on. It was all good, I was ready to watch harry potter :D:D
So what I did was I went to watch harry potter with ben, Helen and sonya for $7 60, very cheap :D good work sonya!
Anyway we didn’t buy any popcorn partly cos we forgot and partly because Helen didn’t want a repeat of what happened the last 4 times we have gone to the movies :P where popcorn was strewn across her seat when she got up hahahahaha and also in places you wouldn’t think popcorn could get :P all courtesy of me of course hehehe
So I had to leave 20 minutes to the end of the movie and I was told later that that was the best 20 minutes of the movie so I’ve been sort of trying to see it but haven’t gotten around to it…its not like I haven’t been to the movies its just I haven’t seen harry potte
So anyway I got to the airport and the plane was pretty much on time got home for dinner. It was really strange because I dunno home didn’t feel like home and to some degree still doesn’t feel like home but its good, I think its cos I’ve become somewhat accustomed to living in my own room so sharing is AHHHHH :P I don’t think that’s the issue I don’t know its quite hard to put my finger on it :P
So I got back and then I just had a series of small parties which I don’t really remember what I did… but I remember at the parties I played cranium again and although it looks like you would finish the game quite quickly it is not that easy :P took an hour and a half with just 2 teams :P that is pretty much all I remember from that party…hahaha which is not much at all. I’m sure the time was filled in though :P
The next thing I remember is going to andreas and thang’s parties on the same day. I had mum’s car and was so glad the gps was good :D it didn’t lag out or anything and gave street names which is very very very useful when you’re driving in that area for the first time :P.
The thing with thang’s party was that it was called ‘black ops weekend’ which I thought was quite strange so I didn’t read it hahaha I didn’t think I was invited :O but I was and I went so it was all good. I planned to give him a present from qld so I brought it with me so that was all good :D I did get a present :P
Another exciting thing about the party was the number of people that rocked up I mean there were probably a hundred or more people throughout the day haha. Saw sooo many people at that party and caught up sort of with lots of them :D I would go through the details but I don’t really remember them aside from I drove there and I also played some poker and came 3rd or something hahaha, oh I brought the ps3 but the cables weren’t working or something so I brought it for nothing hahahaha…I did however leave a game which my brother wanted to play the next day :P
I went to andrea’s party which was a half hour drive after I dropped allen off at my place so he could take his car back so that he could then go to his martial arts, I keep calling it taekwondo and he gets annoyed and tells me to just call it martial arts even though its called wing chun hahaha, I’ve done it a lot these past couple of weeks :P
At andrea’s party the atmostphere was completely different. It was a sit in the backyard and chillax sort of atmosphere with music in the background and pizza…I preferred thang’s party which was probably why I went back there and slept over hahahaha :D:D I didn’t plan to but only adam was sleeping over so I figured I’d sleep over as well…not too sure what was going through my head I guess I was just having fun :D:D anyway mum called and I just told her I was sleeping over pretty much at 11 30pm haha
The next day alex assumed that I had gotten drunk and could not legally drive back home :P that is completely untrue…I don’t think I’ve had anything to drink at all since I’ve been back…lemon lime and bitters doesn’t count does it? :P
Another party I went to was at adam’s place :D we were at a lost of what to do for a while as we always are when there isn’t much planned but I remember it was still good fun because we played ultrastar for a few hours :D:D gooooooooooooood fun :D:D must play that in Brisbane hahahaha go ben download ultrastar! :D we can then play wooooooooooooooooo
I remember that party very well because when we went for lunch we pratically rearranged the whole place because we had 14 people or something hahahaha and they had tables of 4 or 6 :P so they merged all these tables together and got chairs out of nowhere. It was also ridiculously windy I blame the planes taking off but it was probably because the day was quite windy :P
The next time I went out that I remember was when I went to kirby’s house :D I remember that because it was the day after exam results came out for unsw and he got 4 hd’s which are 7’s for your qld people and only one of them was borderline hahahah the rest were by miles and miles and miles :P I think I just played games at his place and allen decided to use his chin up bar :P I remember kirby’s house as being somewhat mysterious because you can never tell if there is anyone at home and the entrance is sort of claustrauphobic because it is like a box…very soundproof though hahaha
I remember going with mum and Jennifer shopping at a new shopping centre at Fairfield west or east or something, I like the layout of the place and the fact that it was having so many sales was an added bonus :D…basically jennifer went to stocklands which is a shopping centre to buy gum and some pop tarts at a specialty imported lollies shop :D gosh that was expensive :P we bought some fruit and then went to coles hahaha. I remember mum going a bit ballistic when I missed a turn and had to spend another 40 second correcting that mistake but I was in a good mood so I let it pass.
The next event I remember is
Anyway they got back while we were skyping with ryan tony and someone else who escapes my memory I think it was thang and then we started having a conversation hahaha. It was about how chun and Kevin sivieng went to the city, watched a movie, had ice cream and shared a meal at an expensive Spanish restaurant :P we were teasing and continue to tease them hahahaha :D:D. I left at about 10 45 because I caught a lift with wendy since I had come from visiting teachers at hurlstone – reason I didn’t bring a laptop.
OH I VISITED HURLSTONE :D the principal and one of my teachers is leaving this year, the principal was quite cool, he let us do things which we were a bit iffy with and he helped us work it out, like he approved creaming year 7’s on year 12 muck up day before the deputies saw the proposal and thought about all the police assault charges hahahaha. Anyway Tram made some cupcakes for the teachers and they were good :D chocolate and coconut. So we visited my ancient history teacher, saw a teacher whose pretty cool, he left and came back I don’t know the details :P saw my ex physics teacher(I saw ex cos I dropped physics at the end of year 11 :P) who told us how scientists knew a lot about one things and that’s about it :P had some fruit tea with my maths teacher…that was the second time I had fruit tea hahah the other time I think I was exploring Brisbane with ben and we stumbled upon a tea shop and had some fruit tea :D
I remember the walk to
I remember having a goodbye party for my friends going to japan on the first Thursday because there were thigns happening all around it. Pretty much I forgot who to invite and invited like 10 people…after leon’s party which was the day before I realised cos pretty much I wanted everyone at that party at mine :P and there were easily 25 people at that party hahahaha. So I got thang to send out a second invite because I was feeling like gaming that day :P so anyway about 20 people showed up throughout the day
So the party got strted about 4 hours after ti got started mainly because it was after lunch, I got some watermelon – sorry michelle, wasn’t mangoes hahaha, and burritos and cooked some chicken for lunch :D minh chau made a rainbow cake which tasted pretty good and looked pretty awesome :D:D
I remember not being able to find band hero and to this day still can’t find it :P so we played guitar hero metallica on ps3 :P that was nowhere near as fun because none of the songs were familiar hahahahahah we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed band hero!
I jumped in the pool and that was really really refreshing after cooking lunch hahahaha gosh, liked it better when mum made lunch for all my friends :P So we played cranium and it was a pretty intense match especially at the end. Basically my team kept changing because people wanted to do stuff like play computer games or check email or whatever and so the teams were changing at the beginning and david’s team got really lucky and kept rolling purples and so they zoomed to the last 4 inner circle things whilst the other 2 teams were stuck on the second cranium cloud (there are 4). I remember the cranium clay capturing everyone’s attention basically it is just like playdough hahahaha I did buy some more playdough because the cranium clay was drying out :P after the game was done at about 6, people started leaving in a greater numbers and by that I mean only boys were left :P
So I started showing them my awesome awesome photos I’ve taken in
I have distinct recollection of leon and chun sort of battling it out hahahahah if you saw it you’d laugh because leon is this really big guy whilst chun is this really small guy :P the thing is that chun is the one who initiate conflict hahahaha :P
OH, I tried to play murder in the dark but after about 30 seconds I was convinced no one was playing so I turned on the lights to find david in a really ninja position in between chairs under the table while no one else had moved…obviously he was going to murder us all :P
I don’t really remember what happened til about 10 but that was when david, hanson chun and leon left and I gave them the good bye guys poster which has a funny story behind it which I will go into flashback for :P
The day before I was telling allen how I was just too lazy to make a poster/ banner for them and he said ‘well miracles do happen’ about 2 hours later, Jennifer walks into my room with a poster and says miracles do happen…obviously allen had told her and she had magically agreed hahahaha. She has a sort of complete admiration of angela though so I think that is the basic of the miracle :P
So I don’t remember doing anything for the next couple of days except for gaming hahaha, but that’s not exciting to talk about aside from the fact I got into platinum league ooooooooo yeah! :D
The next incident I remember is going to the movies to see the last screening of inception at
The movie was quite good on a second viewing so it wasn’t a waste hahahaha, I watched the 2 minutes I missed on the first time I watched it because I had to pee :P after the movie adam, allen and I walked around towards the tafe so that allen could return a book for his cousin and we took a long way to get there so we could go to maccas and get sundaes :P upon arrival at the tafe, we discovered a maccas was right next to it…we took the long way for absolutely no reason hahahahahahaha
On the 3rd I went for a catch up lunch with the people I hadn’t seen so far…which was sort of dodgy because I saw them the day before hahahaha but it all good, we went to a place called grilled burgers and they’re pretty good :P the thing is we met up with them after they watched harry potter and after lunch we went for ice cream. I bought ice cream and I was telling everyone how good the blood orange was so they all got it and agreed with me :D:D its good anyway we went to the pier to have our ice cream and Natalie was poking hers and it looked like it was about to fall off but it didn’t. I used a paddle pop stick to get some of the second flavour, not blood orange and low and behold the entire thing just plonks down onto the wooden steps…minh chau burst out laughing and I quickly salvaged the top half of the ice cream before realising that that one wasn’t that good and plonked it right back down hahahahah the waffle cone was terrible and thus I fed it to the fish which came in number when you threw something into the water at darling harbour…I don’t think I should have done that but its too late :P
The following Sunday, ben (high school friend) came over and we played games hahahahah I decided to walk home because he had been sick for a couple of days and he texted me saying that it was further than he though :P as in over an hour hahahahaha he got home safe because the next day or the dayafter I packed for going to the gold coast, in fact they are there at the moment :P
I’ve talked to them every 2 days because thang is on voda and he has 1000 free minutes hahahaha INSANE. So they’ve basically gone surfing bit of clubbing and dream world so far and learnt to be self sustaining….which is a lot harder than you’d think hahahaha buying groceries…INSANE without a car as well :P
I’ve cut the grass, done some cleaning OH! I remember doing the cooking one day and then going to angela’s to pick Jennifer up from after her piano lesson and coming in for cake and staying for almost 2 hours hahahahah came home and mum was a bit sus especially since angela lives about 3 minute drive from out house hahahah :P gosh that was funny
I’ve been hanging out with allen quite a bit since a bunch of friends went to japan and a bunch others went to gold coast. The next thing that I remember was going to a dinner with ann and tram on Friday. Tram wanted to go to the state library in the morning to do some work and I was meeting up with ben to go for some ramen for lunch :D so I tagged along with tram for a couple of hours and she showed me the area around the state library and where ann worked :P we then went into the state library where I readthe new England medicine journal and some national geographic :D both were intellectually stimulating
I then left and went to north
So after that we went to move eugene’s illegally parked motorbike and then visited ben’s old high school north Sydney boys :P it was really fun for me and sort of mischivious because I didn’t go to that high school, the office ladies didn’t want to give use visitor badges and some classes I just knocked and went in…even when ben and Eugene didn’t :P it was really funny because all the teachers pretended to know me hahahahah :P we talked to a bunch of juniors and it was quite interesting to explore ben’s school and see girls in a boy’s school
Anyway I got lost after leaving and asked a random stranger who helped me out :D went back to the state library and tram had done almost no work hahahahaha which she claimed was quite good seeing that she would have done no work at home :P
We went to circular quay which isn’t that much of a walk from st james and sat at a spot where we could look at the harbour bridge, it was quite nice :D afterwards, ann called and we met up at central and proceeded to go to china town :D all the restaurants were empty which made it quite difficult to choose a restaurant since you want one which is full :P anyway we picked one and had a really nice meal :D the food was really good and the service was good too :D:D
After that we decided to go to the rocks
We then proceeded to the markets and looked at their stuff :D it was alright but we didn’t buy anything…not wanted to carry anymore hahahaha we then went to a spot that was quite near where tram and I had sat and sat there surprise surprise :P we talked for about 2 hours, it was really really nice :D I wanna go again :D I came home and had to prepare for chinese school the next day..i barely did any preparation :P pretty much winged it, I was in charge of the kindy kids so it was easy :D charades wooooo
So on Sunday at 7 pm allen came over after abseiling and was like do you want to come over, I was helping day change the water pump in the car so I was like…maybe in 2 hours so then after I’d eaten showered, cleaned myself up etc I went over :D alex was nice enough to drive me :D so I went over and we made a card for Ashley whose birthday was yesterday. So on Monday we went to the beach and had a great time despite the water being cold.
Jenny didn’t decide to come but ben did and brought his friend Damien along. What can I say aside from we had a lazy fun filled day :D
After the beach despite being ridiculously tired we went to chun’s place and had dinner and that’s about it :P we watched some tv talkeda bit before going home because we were obviously tired.
Today I woke up a bit sort I think from sleeping on the sand or something hahahahaha, no sunburn though which is a really good thing :D:D I think Ashley was the only one burnt L. I cut the grass but aside from that had a lazy day :P typed this up which took a long long long time, bit over 2 hours hahahaha
I’ll try to blog from now on :D
1 comment:
Thomas I'm halfway through reading this insanely long post haha...will keep reading later today but have been exhausted and don't know why in the world I said yes when work asked me to pick up a lunch shift on Friday, so I'm working split shifts everyday from tomorrow till Sunday :( Small comfort but I do get christmas eve off :) And Xmas I am only working the day shift. Talk soon!
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