Saturday, November 13, 2010

ooo 1030

so yesterday i was inspired to do 1030 through the group conversation and how we were all pretty lost, so i took the initiative to watch all the video lecture...except the edentulous one and gosh i don't remember most of the denture stuff hahahaha

i think it also inspired those who participated to do work as well

anyway i woke up this morning at 7 30 and was like hmmm i'll get out of bed cos light is shining in my eyes , i had like 7 houros of sleep or something hahaha

i did my washing and gosh studying on my bed is soooo much more confortable than studying on the table, i have worn away some of the coating of the table with my mouse hahahahah need a mousepad perhaps?

i have an idea what i am doing tomorrow so that is good :D it involves learning haahahah those 4 pages amongst some other things if i end up being really bored or having time.

anyway i watched a video on implant surgery and even though it looks scary it is sort of cool as well :D

NEED TO PWN THIS EXAM! well not really hahahahah will need 65% to get my credit :D

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