Monday, August 30, 2010

Smart Casual

Hi! what is that? As far as I understand it i only see 2 outfits a guy can wear.
1. pressed shirt and jeans
2. pressed shirt and cargos

if you have any other things which can be worn, feel free to chuck a comment in the chat box :D:D

so anyway this came up twice cos i brought it up and both times, the idea of jeans was disputed...because i don't wear them.

I give the excuse that I don't wear them cos i can't run as fast if i am in them in the case of a mugging and if i wore jeans then i would get mugged...but i know that is a weak excuse...it is rather that I don't really like them...maybe i'll buy an awesome pair so i'll feel guilty if i don't wear them :P that way i'll have to wear them, a shirt as well for helen's party soooo...bout 150 gosh that is so much OH WELL :P

umm so today i realised that i forgot my lab coat at dental school so i had to go after chem...gosh i don't even remember chem which is ridiculous -_- i think it was because of the videos
today my hone also half ran out oif battery which meant that i had to turn it on and off to conserve the battery...not entirely sure if that works :P

ummm after getting back talked to sonya and jenny :D

so after that went to prac and i was like ohh what a half boring prac. realised half way through that everyone else had done the questions while waiting but i had just chatted to the tutor and the lab co-ordinator :P

wel still finished half an hour early and got 19/20 so yeah! so pro! yeah! :D SO CHEMMASTERRRRR :P that was funny cos i was telling everyone who got 19 they were a chemmaster :D

umm waited for helen and made the nickanme helecoptor :D sonya is sonyoshii and elaine is pelaine like and airplane :D ben already had benzoic acid which is boooring i thin BENZENA is awesomer :D and haven't thought of one for Jenny...then i can use it on my sister toooo til then...

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