Sunday, July 25, 2010

First aid course AND masterchef final

wooo adam won :D that's pretty cool :D gosh the dishes they made looked good damn! but i suppose they had a long time to prep it...would you spend 2 hours straight making a dish like that? i sure wouldn't but then again i wouldn't spend more than half an hour in the kitchen hahahaha :P

well today i woke up at about 7 30 and got out of bed at 7 45 because i thought i needed to be out of the house by 8 15 turns out i could have left at 8 30 because the bus came at 8 40 :P oh well slightly early is better than late :d

the first aid course was good, the guy was awesome, great sense of humour, even so, the content was quite dry hahahaha but hey i am not going to havea certificate to say i can rescucitate people :D

tomorrow is the first day of uni, bit excited :D but then again it is only one lecture so yeah...

so cpr was good and masterchef was good, dinner was also good yum :D

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