Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today I went for a walk because I hadn't been out for a while.  Whiles walking around, I noticed that half the houses don't actually have gates and of those half of those don't even have a proper fence...a low stone wall doesn't count (50cm off the ground who are you going to stop? gnomes from escaping?).  I just walked until the end of the bike track and made my way back on the road until i saw a bus.  I then walked around some more and got a golden gay time. delicious :)  I also saw a cafe which seems to sell cheap sandiwches about 3 bucks a sanwich, best price i'm gonna get anywhere nearby so i will try it sometime soon.

This random walk reminds me of a time in first year when i got hopelessly lost because I had caught the wrong bus (think walking 40 minutes to get home when it would take 40 minutes to walk home from uni). There were so many nice people I met along the way from the random lady who offered me help byb finding directions on her smart phone to the other random people who would ask if i was lost while i was walking by (i didn't realise it was that obvious...either that or no one walks around where they live hahaha).  I got back feeling really refreshed! It was a similar feeling when I got back from ym 45 minute walk as well hahahaha might have been the ice cream and lipton ice tea talking though :P  I also know where to get toileteries now if i ever need 1 bar of soap instead of woolworth's 4 bars of soap.  at a dollar a bar of soap its an alright price!

Almost finished reading the relevant parts of the textbook and have to go over my notes again (learn all the things which I had written down to learn from the textbook which were in the past exam that i had no idea about).  If all goes well I should be alright! 

Jennifer texted me today telling me she made prefect.  Good on her...except I don't know what being prefect does for you haha.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Almost finished my notes

So from ther 34 lectures i'm up to lecture number 29 yay! should be able to finish it today I think.  The renal lecture were so hard to get through wow I was surprised at them...no wonder i fell asleep in class there is too much information that he stressed.  Luckily the fourth lecture was already pretty much covered in the last 3 and the pharmacology one was pretty much the same as arugarumamd's lecture.

It was quite difficult to start making all the notes (made about half of them before midsem) becasue its been such miserable weather and reading my notes is hard enough without having to type them up as well...

I have barely left the house since holidays started perhaps I will go for a jog or something sometime or other...how vague is that!

It been quite cold so I've bene wearing 2 jumpers and socks;p not up to the stage where I need 2 jumpers and a jacket with 2 pairs of pants and socks while under a blanket with the heater on hahaha lets hope it doens't come to that!

So the plan for the next 12 days before the exam is to go through past papers and then read the textbook before making a final summary of the notes I've made.  Not looking forward to going over 30+ pages (at 30 right now).

I heard it was really cold and the winds were insane in sydney! hope everyone is well!

Friday, June 1, 2012

End of Semester

The semester ended with 2 lectures which were quite boring to be honest.  I came home and started cleaning my room in preparation for the study that will be coming!  Firstly get rid of everything which isn't DENT2052 which is most things on the table due to case analysis.

This week has been raining and it is going to continue into the weekend which is fine because I am in no rush to do my washing anyway.

Yesterday I went to clinic and assisted a chris, sonya and elaine (another elaine) and it turns out she lives about 2 minutes walk from me! excellent ;p she's repeating third year so we have something in common hahaha

Winter is here and I have to wear jackets and jumpers, its troublesome but nowhere near as bad as sydney I guess.  It doesn't feel like end of sesmeter, I only realised it was so close a couple of days ago when Dayea said 'cya next semester'.  I was like what OH RIGHT, its last week and we have different finals to sit thus next sem.

Anyway I've been so lax with my blog posting because it is representattive of how interesting the year has been so far. half a year flew so fast! so much faster than last year hahahahaha, not too worried about assessments this year which is always awesome!